To initiate a return or request a refund, please ensure that the item is in its original condition and packaging.
To request a return or replacement for an item, you can submit your request through the "My Order" section of the app within two days of receiving the product. Please note that only unused, unworn, unwashed, undamaged items with intact tags and labels, in their original packaging, and eligible for return can be accepted.
Once you initiate a return, we will schedule a pick-up date. Our courier partners will collect the item within 3-5 business days after you submit the return request. Once we receive and process the return, the reimbursement process will commence. Refunds are processed within 5-7 business days, depending on your banking services.
For order cancellations, you can easily do so within 48 hours of placing your order through the "My Order" section. To request cancellation, please send an email to
To receive a refund, please ensure that the items are unused and still in their original packaging. In the case of defective, broken, or incorrectly sent items, you can request a replacement. For further assistance, we may require a video of the unpacking process.
If you need to exchange the item for the same product, please contact us at